Sonntag, 9. April 2017

Q1 Omnibus

I am slowly coming out of hibernation but as we have been having uncommonly glorious weather over the last four days I really need to clear the decks for future photographs - so here is the collection for the first 3 months of 2017!

Much love,

Bristol Cathedral - a few days before Christmas, not yet 2017 ...

Dyrham Park, near Bath, almost 2017

Winter bark, Dyrham Park

Walk on Bucklebury Common, January 2017

Bucklebury Common

Bucklebury Common

Hamish, annoyed
The Queen is in residence - Windsor, end of February

Walk on Fyfield Downs, these are the Sarsen stones they built Stonehenge out of

Fyfield with dramatic sky

RHS Garden Wisley, middle of March


Azelias, magnolias: Wisley


Coloured bark and water, Wisley

The camellia for my fourth year in the cottage is called 'April Snow'

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