Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2016

Halfway out of the dark

Happy winter soltice, everyone!

I started off for Avebury a bit late this morning and had quite a tricky drive as the rain was coming down hard and the A4 between Hungerford and Marlborough started to flood in Savernake Forest. Unfortunately the National Trust hadn't opened its car park this year but I managed to find a spot to park (with a great view towards Silbury Hill as it turned out) - and the rain had suddenly stopped!

I arrived in the stone circle feeling a bit rushed but as soon as I found my spot on the wall I started to calm down. There were quite a lot of people around and everyone looked towards the sun. Unlike last year when dark grey just became a lighter grey it was quite a dramatic spectacle.

Unfortunately my camera was quite unhappy with the low light levels and I fear that it might be on its last legs; lots of the pictures have weird stripes but I was able to find a few that document the sun rising after the longest night of the year.

Much love,

Lots of people on the wall

Silbury Hill near Avebury

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