Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2016

Growth spurt

It has rained so much during the last 24 hours that coming back from work the roads were still flooded in places. After the heat of the weekend the garden has rejoiced in the 'mugginess' and has changed a lot - the last patches of bare soil are covered, the geum, brunnera and woad (which I bought as a dyeing plant) have grown at least 10 centimetres and every spare bit is awash in forget-me-nots. The chives have started to bloom and the last tulips are finally out - exquisitely fringed.

Much love,

All the bits and pieces. Stuff growing in the bike's basket is lollo rosso salad.

The ferns are unfurling! Row of camellias to the left.

My 'lawn'. To quote a well-known comic book: "Nach 2000 Jahren ausgiebiger Pflege dürfte mein Rasen recht annehmbar sein ..."

Very much like the subtle colour changes.

Chives and forget-me-nots

Pride and joy: Euphorbia melliflora

Angelica - maybe I will try to make the stems into candied angelica ... note tastefully obscured water feature (china bowl from junk shop)

Woad. Need to find a recipe. Dimly recall that this may involve stale urine ...

Brunnera (blue) and Japanese anemones - my two favourites. Some bellis (daisies) planted in a blue teacup in the background. Second water feature (chipped studio pottery bowl from the junk shop with submerged camellia blossom)

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