At West Wycombe Park |
Two weeks ago I went on a trip to Hughenden Manor and West Wycombe Park, to see some more gardens. I always had wanted to visit West Wycombe Park, as this house features in so many films and TV series I love (like
The Importance of Being Earnest or
Cranford ...) and public access is restricted to three months a year. And I have recently read the mind-boggling "Matters of Fact in Jane Austen - History, Location and Celebrity" by Janine Barchas [seriously, read this book!] in which ties between the real Dashwood family of West Wycombe Park and Austen's fictitious Dashwood family are explained.
Suggestive architecture: Temple of Aphrodite at West Wycombe Park ... well, yeah. |
But I loved Hughenden Manor (once belonging to Benjamin Disraeli) even more. It had a beautiful walled garden where I was given free perpetual spinach seeds [which are doing great and will be potted on shortly].
Hughenden Manor |
Hughenden Manor |
I hope you're doing something equally wonderful this weekend.
Love, Qaroline
Bildunterschrift hinzufügen |
At West Wycombe Park |
Wusste doch gleich, dass mir die Landschaft irgendwie bekannt vorkam. *zwinker*
AntwortenLöschenDanke, danke für deine tollen Fotos UND deine liebe Post, Große!