This is the second assigment for Rachele's ECourse:
Reclaim the word fat and do something amazing with it. Make art, take photos of yourself with fat written on you, bake a cake with fat written in frosting, etc.
As I love, love, love statement buttons and am a passionate cross stitcher, I have made myself a new one:
Here are some DIY-style pictures of the process:
The button is made from three individual buttons; I used Danish flower thread which is my absolute favourite for cross stitching. Here is an old FAT button I made earlier:
The discussion part of the ECourse assigment reads:
What do you love most about the word fat? How has the word fat evolved for you?
As I thought back upon this I was surprised that the word "fat" has been a positive word for me for quite some time - (the German word for "fat" is "dick"). I haven't been bothered by this word for a while now - but I really don't like it if it is treated as a "bad" word to use.
This happened to me a few weeks ago:
I was sitting in a café when a boy of about 4 or 5 years who sat with his parents at a neighboring table turned to me and said: "She's quite fat, isn't she?" - His parents didn't hear him at first and I said to him: "You are right, I am fat." When his parents noticed what he had said to me they were absolutely horrified, even when I said that it was fine, they told their son it was bad manners to tell someone who is obviously fat that he/she is fat.
I have thought back to this incidence a lot and I was sorry for the boy who obviously didn't mean to say 'Euurgch, she's fat", he simply stated a fact. This experience is the perfect example for me why we need to think about re-branding "fat".
Regarding my list from last week: my stripey dress is almost finished, I have written a few pages of the fat-teenage-girl story, I have adopted an English muffin recipe to make it vegan and the muffins tasted really great, I have made plans to plant lots of leafy salads in an old dog basket which I found by the road and I bought some gorgeous tulips for my room, a pink double flowered variety:
Have a fabulous week!
Love, Qaroline
Die Buttons sind sooo toll! :D
AntwortenLöschenDie Fat Bitch-Sache behalte ich auf jeden Fall im Auge, bisher habe ich noch keinen richtigen Einstieg gefunden.
Will auch unbedingt noch mehr Buttons machen, im Augenblick sind mir nur die großen Knöpfe ausgegangen, deshalb mache ich eher kleine :D - ich finde die Idee des EKurses ganz großartig, hoffe, ich habe die Energie, das ganze Jahr alles mitzumachen! Love, Qaroline