Montag, 25. Februar 2013

OOTD: Thrifty Monday

coat/Jacke: thrifted/secondhand; cardigan: thrifted/secondhand; dress/Kleid: Gudrun Sjöden [gift/geschenkt]; leggings: Ulla Popken; long warmers/lange Stulpen: selfmade/selbstgestrickt; shoes/Schuhe: Clarks
I haven't been posting much outfits lately as I am (almost) getting bored with winter now and am out of winter outfit ideas - but then I remembered that my new coat hasn't featured in any of the recent posts yet! It's from my local charity shop and is a perfect fit for 20 Euros - looking at the pictures I took just now in the garden I noticed that, apart from leggings and shoes, everything I wear is either thrifted, a gift or selfmade!

The blue dress from Gudrun Sjöden, a label I adore but can't usually afford (and the clothes officially don't come in my size) is a gift from my bestie who cleared out her clothes cupboard a while back - it's really stretchy and comfortable to wear even if it's a size 20. This reinforces my newfound believe in experimenting with different sizes in the best possible way.

Love, Qaroline


In der letzten Zeit habe ich kaum Outfits gepostet, wahrscheinlich weil ich jetzt langsam echt mal auf den Schnee verzichten könnte und mir kaum noch neue Winterkombis einfallen - aber dann merkte ich, dass meine neue Jacke noch in gar keinem der letzten Posts vertreten war! Es ist aus meinem örtlichen Secondhandladen und für 20 Euro ein echter Glücksfund - als ich die Fotos ansah, die ich vorhin im Garten aufgenommen habe, fiel mir auf, dass, abgesehen von Leggings und Schuhen, alles was ich heute trage entweder secondhand, geschenkt oder selbstgemacht ist - ein total sparsames Outfit!

Das blaue Kleid von Gudrun Sjöden (ein Label das mir unglaublich gut gefällt, das ich mir grundsätzlich aber nicht leisten kann und die Kleider gibt es auch nicht in meiner offiziellen Größe) ist ein Geschenk von meiner besten Freundin, die vor ein paar Wochen ihren Kleiderschrank ausgemistet hat - es ist von einer wundervollen Qualität und sehr bequem zu tragen, auch in Größe 46. Für mich verstärkt das den Glauben an meine neugefundene Experimentierfreude mit Größen auf die allerschönste Weise.

Love, Qaroline

glasses/Brille: eyes+more

Montag, 18. Februar 2013

The Book That Turned Me Into a Reader

What a great idea to create a link up book club! As soon as I saw this on Stephanie's blog Bassability I knew I had to link up - I have wanted to blog more about books in the last few weeks and I knew I had to join in!

The question for this week's No Stress Book Club post is: 

What book turned you into a reader?

I grew up with next to no television (ours had three channels and we were only allowed to watch about an hour of children's programmes a day) and reading took its place. My parents read aloud to my brother and myself and one of the books I loved so much that I couldn't stop looking at them and that really made me want to read was "Malwine in der Badewanne" ("The Mysterious Tadpole") by Steven Kellogg. This beautifully illustrated book tells the story of a boy who gets a special birthday present from an uncle who visited Scotland: a tadpole that keeps on growing until it gets even bigger than the bathtub. The German title "Malwine in der Badewanne" means "Malwine [the name of the tadpole] in the Bathtub" and I remember that even the title sounded weird and magical to me.
I am sure that I owe some of my passionate interest in books to this early reading experience and maybe my later fascination with the more unusual kind of fantasy literature has to do with the fact that Malwine is a very sweet kind of monster ...

Bassability No Stress Book Club

Freitag, 15. Februar 2013

OOTD: Be My Valentine @ Fatty Fashion Fun Challenge

Scarf/Schal: selfmade/selbstgestrickt; Cardigan: Samoon; dress/Kleid: selfmade/selbstgenäht; tights/Strumpfhosen: Ulla Popken; shoes/Schuhe: Clarks
As this month's FFFC's theme is "Be my valentine vs. Celebrate yourself" I thought I would try to do a bit of a mix up. I have worked on this dress to wear it specifically on Valentine's Day to celebrate myself and I am so glad I didn't make a mess of it ... it's made from a green and beige striped cloth bought years ago from Marc Aurel and I just love the sleek feel of it!

On my particular Valentine's Day I ended up wearing mostly nothing as my bestie and I celebrated ourselves by spending a whole day at a sauna and spa - the perfect antidote for this frosty weather.

Have a fabulous February!

Love, Qaroline


Das Thema des FFFC in diesem Monat ist "Be my valentine vs. Celebrate yourself" und da dachte ich, ich mach mal da mal einen Mischmasch draus. Dieses Kleid habe ich mir speziell für den Valentinstag genäht, um mich selbst ein bisschen zu feiern und ich bin ja so froh, dass ich es nicht verhunzt hab ... Es ist aus einem grün-beige-gestreiften Hosenstoff von Marc Aurel und fühlt sich wunderbar kühl und geradlinig an!

An meinem tatsächlichen Valentinstag hatte ich dann die meiste Zeit eigentlich gar nichts an, da meine beste Freundin und ich uns einen ganzen Tag lang in einer Saunatherme selbst gefeiert haben - das perfekte Gegenmittel zum frostigen Februarwetter.

Wünsche Euch allen einen fabulösen Februar!

Love, Qaroline

glasses/Brille: eyes+more; earrings/Ohrringe: Bijou Brigitte

Dienstag, 12. Februar 2013

Fat Bitch Assignment #2

This is the second assigment for Rachele's ECourse: 

Reclaim the word fat and do something amazing with it. Make art, take photos of yourself with fat written on you, bake a cake with fat written in frosting, etc. 

As I love, love, love statement buttons and am a passionate cross stitcher, I have made myself a new one:

Here are some DIY-style pictures of the process: 


The button is made from three individual buttons; I used Danish flower thread which is my absolute favourite for cross stitching. Here is an old FAT button I made earlier:

The discussion part of the ECourse assigment reads:

What do you love most about the word fat? How has the word fat evolved for you?

As I thought back upon this I was surprised that the word "fat" has been a positive word for me for quite some time - (the German word for "fat" is "dick"). I haven't been bothered by this word for a while now - but I really don't like it if it is treated as a "bad" word to use.

This happened to me a few weeks ago:
I was sitting in a café when a boy of about 4 or 5 years who sat with his parents at a neighboring table turned to me and said: "She's quite fat, isn't she?" - His parents didn't hear him at first and I said to him: "You are right, I am fat." When his parents noticed what he had said to me they were absolutely horrified, even when I said that it was fine, they told their son it was bad manners to tell someone who is obviously fat that he/she is fat. 

I have thought back to this incidence a lot and I was sorry for the boy who obviously didn't mean to say 'Euurgch, she's fat", he simply stated a fact. This experience is the perfect example for me why we need to think about re-branding "fat".

Regarding my list from last week: my stripey dress is almost finished, I have written a few pages of the fat-teenage-girl story, I have adopted an English muffin recipe to make it vegan and the muffins tasted really great, I have made plans to plant lots of leafy salads in an old dog basket which I found by the road and I bought some gorgeous tulips for my room, a pink double flowered variety:

Have a fabulous week!

Love, Qaroline

Montag, 4. Februar 2013

Fat Bitch Assignment #1

I have just now enrolled in Rachele's "How to be a fat bitch" ECourse on ["A fat bitch is confident, out-spoken and proud of who she is. The word bitch has been used by feminists as a way to reclaim an insult used to demean our cause"] - and this is the first assignment: 

"Write down 5 things that you are going to do that make you happy. Not "even though you are fat" but because you are fat and awesome. 5 things that have nothing to do with trying for the sake of others."

This is my list of 5:

#1: Finish sowing my short stripey dress to wear on Valentine's Day.
#2: Learn how to bake vegan cakes that don't taste like cardboard.
#3: Read more about self and fat acceptance.
#4: Finish writing my story about a fat teenage girl who does not hate herself for being fat.
#5: Planting herbs and vegetables in the garden and buying shedloads of tulips for my room.

If you would like to enlist in Rachele's "How to be a fat bitch"-ECourse, you can do it here:

I will keep you updated about the actual "doing part" of this list!

The discussion part of this assignment reads: 

"How do you deal with people that make assumptions about you based on being fat? Is the best revenge to live well and be happy? How do you feel about the concept of there being a "good fatty" and a "bad fatty" perceived in society?"

I am not great with confrontation but in the last months I have found the courage to speak up more. It is true - most people automatically assume that I am unhappy with my body and most of them are shocked if I state that I don't want to lose weight. Some people cannot handle this very well and try to discuss this topic at length. Usually I try to explain that I feel much healthier and much more self-confident since I have quit obsessing about my weight and if that doesn't serve to shut them up I know that they are not the sort of people I want to be my friend. Regarding the "good fatty" and "bad fatty" issue: size-wise and weight-wise I am definitely in the "bad fatty" category. To say that some people are allowed to love themselves and others are not is principally not acceptable to me. I know that I have been conditioned to judge people and myself just because of their bodies and my body all my life and I am still battling this seemingly automatic process from time to time. 

Love, Qaroline