Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2012

Sunday Social 30/12/12

Sunday Social

1. Favorite New Years eve you’ve had before

My dad's birthday is on December 31st, so I had a lot of rather special New Years eves - I remember being really excited by the fireworks when I was small. Although my favourite New Years eve is probably the one I had all my best friends over, it was foggy and snowy and we couldn't really see a thing. Somehow we started singing and dancing to keep us warm and all around us were dim reflections of colourful sparks in the mist ...

2. Are you doing anything for NYE this year and if so what?

I will be working, but that's okay.

3. Name a book we should all read come January?

I would like to suggest that we all read our all time favourite book once again and remember why we love it. But if I have to name a book, I would highly recommend "How to be a woman" by Caitlin Moran. Although I don't agree with all of her views I find her writing hilariously funny and true. And it's going to be made into a film!

4. What are your new years resolutions?

Hmhmhm ... I usually don't make any specific resolutions but it would be nice to achieve or at least try to achieve some things in 2013. Getting my act together and starting to approach literary agencies. Cooking in my own kitchen again. Getting Hamish's (my cat's) teeth done as soon as possible. Little things, you know ... :)

Thank you very much for visiting my blog - I hope you have a wonderful Sunday and a glorious New Years Eve!

Love, Qaroline

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