My adopted bouquet |
Today is Lonely Bouquet Day 2016, an initiative dedicated to making people happy - with flowers. You 'abandon' a bouquet for a stranger to find and to make them smile. Just love the idea - I sort of heard about this before. I popped the sunflowers in a jug, on the photo they still look a bit droopy as they had spent an hour in the car. My adopted bouquet was was abandoned by Helen Vickers of Willow & Blooms in Newbury. Thank you so much, Helen!
While having my lunch I spotted a visitor to the garden, resting on a Clematis leaf. I need to find out which kind of dayflying moth this is - being a fan of moths I just had to grab my camera. It stayed for more than 1 hour in my garden.
Much love,
Mystery moth |
Selfportrait with pint of milk. |